Those Summer Knights

Thse Summer Knights
Thse Summer Knights

It’s the end of summer and a few weeks ago the eMail was buzzing with Danny and Sandy’s summer party.  Yesterday we made our way to the last event of the season.  A farewell to a summer of hang out days and crazy clubs .  Danny and Sandy were our fairy hosts with massive welcoming smiles flitting too and frow sprinkling their magic fairy dust over us.   Just when you thought the cocktails couldn’t get any better, the burgers any juicier, the company and music better mixed the band struck up a long low note.   JAZZ RIOT TOOK THE STAGE:  A collection of seven brass instruments lead by a cocky checked shirted frontman cooked us up to a frenzy on the dance-floor beneath the stars.  Mexican waves lapped over the lawn and we all joined Danny and Sandy the party wave.    A fantastic end to the summer and what was my take-away from the event – Danny and Sandy throw AMAZING parties and JAZZ RIOT ROCK!

For the last couple of years I’ve loved the reinterpretation of music into different genres.  It all started for me when I heard Nouvelle Vague –  Imagine Too Drunk to Fuck in a bossanova style and you’re halfway there.  I’ve followed this with the Pick’in On Series which takes Europes Final Countdown into Bluegrass……  There are loads more…..

I have a theory that this inspiration for this started with Ally McBeal.  I remember their reinterpretations in the bar when songs would be sexily sung by Vonda Shepard and Ally’s best mate Renee (Phowaaa).

Check out all these guys,  Especially JAZZ RIOT – Turn the stereo up full blast and dance like you’re Danny and Sandy. – Its the end of Summer Knights and they deserve to be celebrated!

Check out:


And Ally McBeals Vonda Shepard – CAN YOU BELIEVE SHES 50 – And still so HOT! Here






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